About Me

Hello there! I’m Lauren the traveler, wife, dog mom, equestrian, outdoorswoman, and -you guessed it- introvert behind the Introventures. I’m here to offer an introvert’s perspective on things- mostly travel with a pretty strong focus on the outdoors, because that’s what I love. I’ll be sharing photos and information about places I’ve been, trip planning advice, and delving into specific destinations in detail. I also thought I’d share a little about myself, and why I started this blog.

Looking back, I’ve always been an introvert, but it wasn’t until 2011 that I even learned the word “introvert”. We were asked to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for school and were presented with our results at orientation. I remember sitting in that auditorium with 90+ of my classmates, discovering that I am an ISFJ. Reading about ISFJs was almost eerie, I had never seen such a complete and accurate description of myself. And here was this paper, sitting in my hands, describing me better than I could myself. I don’t think I’d ever felt so completely understood as I did at that moment.

Learning about introversion was a revelation. I never understood why I dreaded parties and small talk. Or why I always felt exhausted after lots of social interaction. Discovering that all of this was introversion, that it was simply part of my personality, was incredibly liberating. Since learning more about my personality I appreciate the qualities that I once misunderstood, and can even take better care of myself. It has also informed the way I travel in many ways: from the time of year we visit certain destinations, the way we travel, and activites we book.  If you’ve never taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I’d definitely recommend it. The results can be kind of life-changing!

I don’t travel full time by any means, so not every destination will be far-flung or exotic. In fact, there will probably be a lot of mini-adventures in there. But I hope you enjoy the blog and find it useful in planning your own adventures.
